Carol in Arizona nominated me for this Award. Isn't she a sweetie? And fantastically talented too! You just have to go and peruse her blog. I "case" her stuff all the time. I think she is the encouraging one, really. But then perhaps we all encourage eachother.
Now on to the business portion of this illustrious award.
The rules for the Encouraged Blogger Award are:
- The winner may put the logo on their blog. (check.)
- Put a link to the person who sent you the award. (check.)
- Nominate 5 blogs. (check - See below.)
- Put links to their blogs. (check - Just click on their name.)
- Leave a message for your nominees. (check.)
There are blogs I frequent regularly just because these gals are so FABULOUS and creative and encouraging and inspirational and ...okay...you get the idea.
- Julie
- Heather
- Laurie Unger
- Lisa
- Angela (oops! Carol nominated her too! I didn't catch that till I left my comment. See how encouraging she is!!)
- Seleise (this is really my number five...again!)
Now, are you hoppin' on over to their blogs? You should be!!
Thanks for the nomination! That's a really neat one! Encouraging! awesome!
Cool! Thanks Barb! I appreciate you leaving comments on my blog to help encourage me! So back at you! =)
Awww, thanks for the award!!!
And just so you know, I love visiting your blog!!!
I hope to see some new artwork soon...if not, have a fabulous Holiday!
Congrats on the award!
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